Richard Kring
Dr. Kring graduated from Cleveland State University Physical Therapy School in 1997. Finished a three-year residency followed by a Fellowship in Orthopaedic Manual Therapy (FAAOMPT) from the Ola Grimsby Institute. Received his PhD in 2008 with emphasis in neurophysiology and dissertation titled “The Role of Central Sensitization in the Manifestation of the Facilitated Segment”. Dr. Kring currently serves as the Director of Clinical Research and Clinical Manager in Rehabilitation and Sports Therapy at the Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, OH. He is the Chief Executive Officer of the Ola Grimsby Institute, an international consortium for Orthopaedic Manual Therapy Post Professional education with programs in North America, Europe, and Asia. Dr. Kring is the Executive Director of the International Accrediting Commission for Post-Professional Physical Therapy Programs (IACPPPTP), working closely with the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) in Washington DC. With his roles as Director of Research for both the Cleveland Clinic and the OGI, he has many active studies primarily emphasizing cervical cranial responses to trauma. He is currently active in research, authorship, as well as teaching residencies, fellowships and post-doctoral candidates throughout the US and Internationally. Dr. Kring is a frequent lecturer at State, National, and International levels. Clinical Interests include: All aspects of Manual Therapy, specific exercise prescription, cervical-ocular-cranial manifestations of Whiplash Associated Disorders and concussion, neurophysiology, education, regional interdependencies, and the impact of basic science research on clinical treatment.
Chief Executive Officer: The Ola Grimsby Institute
Director of Research Development: The Ola Grimsby Institute
Board of Directors, Examiners, and Instructors: The Ola Grimsby Institute
Executive Director: International Accrediting Commission on Post-Professional Physical Therapy Programs (IACPPPTP)
Director of Clinical Research: Cleveland Clinic Rehabilitation & Sports Therapy
Clinical Manager: Cleveland Clinic Rehabilitation & Sports Therapy
Nominating Committee: (AAOMPT)
20 years practicing as a licensed Physical Therapist
Staff, Senior, Clinical Specialist, Clinical Manager, and Director of Research (2010 to the present) roles over those 20 years
Eleven Years as an Instructor for the Ola Grimsby Institute
Four Years on The Board of Directors for the Ola Grimsby Institute
Taught Residencies, Fellowships, Certification programs, and weekend courses for the OGI in multiple cities around the country and Europe.
Speaker at local, state, national, and international meeting conferences.
Physical Therapy Degree (PT) 1997
Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) 2003
Fellow of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapy (FAAOMPT) 2005
Doctor of Manual Therapy (DMT) 2007
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) 2008
Orthopaedic Certified Specialist (OCS) through the APTA 2015
The Cleveland Clinic
9500 Euclid Ave, A-41
Cleveland OH. 44195
The Cleveland Clinic is a top ranked national and international hospital and research institute in all 20 medical subspecialties. The specific physical therapy clinic is located at the Main Campus in Downtown Cleveland. An expansive location that spans over 20 blocks in length and 4 in width with 40,000 employees. This clinic is set up with individual treatment rooms with solid doors for privacy, and all STEP / MET equipment necessary for a manual therapy approach to treatment.
Courses Teaching at the OGI:
Manual therapy certification
Components of advanced clinical 3rd year
MT-1: Introduction to Basic Sciences
MT-2: Manual Therapy of the Extremities
MT-3: Manual Therapy of the Spine
MT-4A: Scientific Therapeutic Exercise Progression of the Extremities
MT-4B: Scientific Therapeutic Exercise Progression of the Spine
MT-6: Introduction to Spinal Manipulation
MT-7: Soft Tissue Mobilization
MT-9: Advanced Spinal Manipulation
STEP 1: Scientific Therapeutic Exercise Progression of the Shoulder
STEP 4: Scientific Therapeutic Exercise Progression of the Lumbar Spine
STEP 5: Scientific Therapeutic Exercise Progression of the Cervical Spine
STEP 6: Scientific Therapeutic Exercise Progression of the Upper Cervical, Ocular, and TMJ.